Mitsubishi Corporation

Japan based airport operator/investor with 10 active airports across 3 countries

Annual Passengers

Annual Aircraft Movements

Annual Cargo (tonnes)

Operator Overview


Mitsubishi Corporation is Japan’s largest trading company, and its business interests cover the  finance, banking, energy, machinery, chemicals, and food and infrastructure sectors. Its largest shareholders include The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (12.59% of shares) and Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd.(5.52% of shares).

Given the size of the Mitsubishi Corporation – its total assets were worth  JPY18.6tn as of 30 March 2021 –  the airport sector does not make up a significant proportion of its overall business. Nevertheless, Mitsubishi Corporation is involved in the airport sector through various local Japanese companies.

Airport Network


Click an airport location for details


8 airports


1 airport

Myanmar (Burma)

1 airport