Germany based airport operator/investor with 4 active airports across 3 countries
Annual Passengers
Annual Aircraft Movements
Annual Cargo (tonnes)
AviAlliance is an airport investor and operator headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany. The company was founded in 1997 as Hochtief AirPort, a subsidiary of the international construction service provider Hochtief to assume management for the newly acquired Athens International Airport concession. With the acquisition of its first airport management concession in 1997,
Hochtief AirPort gradually expanded its portfolio of airport shareholdings around the world and also earned a reputation for itself as a consultant in the air transport sector. In 2013, Hochtief sold all its shares in Hochtief AirPort to the Public Sector Pension Investment Board (PSP Investments) of Canada.
Following the sale, Hochtief AirPort was renamed AviAlliance. AviAlliance now holds stakes in the airports of Athens, Budapest, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, and San Juan.
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Justin Lee
Justin Lee
Justin Lee
Staff Writer