Sojitz Spreads its Wings in the Airport Sector with Domestic & Global Ambitions

Curtis Grad


July 15, 2020

Kumamoto Airport Mashiki Kumamoto pref Japan01s3b9

A relative newcomer to the airport business, Sojitz has blazed a novel path for itself in this highly competitive, and some would contend, overly crowded marketplace. When Modalis first met with Sojitz at their Tokyo office back in 2014, they were still in the early stages of scoping out the airport business – what was clear at the time, they are very good listeners and exceptional students, intent on learning as much as possible before taking the leap! Just over five years later, Sojitz is now involved in seven airport projects directly or through its strategic shareholding in JALUX Inc. (see inset). The Sojitz airport portfolio spans six countries including Palau International Airport in Palau and Khabarovsk Airport in Russia, Kumamoto International Airport and Shimojishima Airport in their native Japan which (directly invested in by Sojitz), and the New Ulaanbaatar International Airport in Mongolia, Mandalay International Airport in Myanmar, Wattay International Airport in Laos (invested in by JALUX). Each of these airport projects/investments has its own unique character, challenges and opportunities which Sojitz has approached with thoughtful tact and precision.

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