
Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico SAB de CV
Compared to the year 2020, 2021 could be said to be a much better year for Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico (GAP) as it moved towards a recovery from the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. With most of its airport business concentrated in Mexico – the airport operator also operates the two major airports in Jamaica – GAP benefited significantly from the 78.8% recovery of 2019 passenger traffic levels in 2021 across the country. In December 2021, Mexico posted a 95% recovery in terms of passengers carried, nearly fully rebounding from the COVID-19 pandemic. In the year ended 31 December 2021, terminal passenger traffic across GAP’s airports was 42.7 million, a year-on-year increase by 57.1% as compared to the same period of 2020. This was also a year-on-year decline by 11.8% as compared to the same period of 2019, a recovery that was better-than-expected.
GAP’s recovery in 2021 continued to be led by its airports at Guadalajara and Tijuana, which had a share of over 50% of the 42.7 million passengers handled at all its airport terminals including those in Jamaica.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin faucibus arcu et sem dapibus, faucibus viverra ex semper. Sed maximus urna quis lectus porta gravida. Sed enim sem, ullamcorper at tempor et, tincidunt eget purus. Etiam vitae iaculis dolor. Etiam commodo tempus turpis. Integer ac nunc ac leo facilisis tempus.