Mundys S.p.A

Italy based airport operator/investor with 0 active airports across 0 country

Annual Passengers

Annual Aircraft Movements

Annual Cargo (tonnes)

Operator Overview


Mundys S.p.A is an Italian holding company active in the motorway and airport infrastructure and mobility-related services industry, operating tolling services in 24 countries, including 11 for motorway and airport infrastructure concessions (France, Italy, Poland, United Kingdom and Spain in Europe and worldwide in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, India and Puerto Rico).

Previously known as Atlantia, the company changed its name to Mundys in March 2023 following its delisting from the Milan Stock Exchange when Edizione, the holding company of the Italian Benetton family,  and U.S. investment fund Blackstone launched a buyout offer for the company in 2022.  

The group’s current airport investments include:

  • Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A.
  • Aeroporto di Bologna
  • Aéroports de la Côte d'Azur
  • SAVE S.p.A